- P. Guerrero, and R.Perez-Carrasco
Choice of friction coefficient deeply affects tissue behaviour in stochastic epithelial vertex models
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (2024) - S. Perez Montero, P.K. Paul, A. di Gregorio, S. Bowling, S. Shepherd, N. J. Fernandes, A. Lima, R. Perez-Carrasco, Tristan A. Rodriguez
Mutation of p53 increases the competitive ability of pluripotent stem cells
Development (2024) - C. Manser, and R. Perez-Carrasco
A Mathematical Framework for Measuring and Tuning Tempo in Developmental Gene Regulatory Networks
Development (2024) - F. Baier, F. Gauye, R. Perez-Carrasco, , J.L. Payne, Y. Schaerli Environment-dependent epistasis increases phenotypic diversity in gene regulatory networks
Science Advances (2023) - I. Otero-Muras, R. Perez-Carrasco, J. R. Banga, C. P. Barnes
Automated design of gene circuits with optimal mushroom-bifurcation behaviour
iScience (2023) - H. C. Lee, C. Hastings, N.M.M. Oliveira, R. Perez-Carrasco, K.M. Page, L. Wolpert, C.D. Stern
“Neighbourhood watch” model: embryonic epiblast cells assess positional information in relation to their neighbours
Development (2022) - R. Perez-Carrasco, M. Franco-Oñate, J. Walter, J. Dorignac, F. Geniet, J. Palmeri, A. Parmeggiani, N. Walliser, A. L. Nord
Relaxation time asymmetry in stator dynamics of the bacterial flagellar motor
Science advances (2022) - K. Exelby, E. Herrera-Delgado, L. Garcia-Perez, R. Perez-Carrasco, A. Sagner, V. Metzis,
P. Sollich, J. Briscoe.
Precision of tissue patterning is controlled by dynamical properties of gene regulatory networks
Development (2021)
Effects of cell cycle variability on lineage and population measurements of mRNA abundance
J. Royal. Soc. Interface (2020)
, , - Teresa Rayon, Despina Stamataki, Ruben Perez-Carrasco, Lorena Garcia-Perez, Christopher Barrington, Manuela Melchionda, Katherine Exelby, Victor Tybulewicz, Elizabeth M. C. Fisher, James Briscoe
Species-specific pace of development is associated with differences in protein stability
Science (2020) - Casper H. L. Beentjes, Ruben Perez-Carrasco, Ramon Grima
Exact solution of stochastic gene expression models with bursting, cell cycle and replication dynamics
Physical Review E (2020) - Içvara Barbier, Ruben Perez-Carrasco*, Yolanda Schaerli
Controlling spatiotemporal pattern formation in a concentration gradient with a synthetic toggle switch
Molecular Systems Biology (2020) -
Nuria Folguera-Blasco, Ruben Perez-Carrasco, Elisabet Cuyas, Javier A Menendez, Tomas Alarcon
A multiscale model of epigenetic heterogeneity reveals the kinetic routes of pathologicalcell fate reprogramming. PLoS Comp. Bio. accepted
PLoS Comp. Bio. (2019) - Pilar Guerrero, Ruben Perez-Carrasco, Marcin Zagorski, David Page, Anna Kicheva, James Briscoe, Karen M. Page
Neuronal differentiation affects tissue mechanics and progenitor arrangement in the vertebrate neuroepithelium
Development (2019) - Roberto de la Cruz, Ruben Perez-Carrasco*, Pilar Guerrero, Tomas Alarcon, Karen M. Page
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2019) - Karen M. Page, Ruben Perez-Carrasco*
Degradation rate uniformity determines success of oscillations in repressive feedback regulatory networks
J. Royal.Soc. Interface (2018) - Ruben Perez-Carrasco, Chris P. Barnes, Yolanda Schaerli, Mark Isalan, James Briscoe, Karen M. Page
The power of the AC-DC circuit: Operating principles of a simple multi-functional transcriptional network motif
Cell Systems (2018) - Roberto de la Cruz, Ruben Perez-Carrasco*, Pilar Guerrero, Tomas Alarcon, Karen M. Page
Minimum Action Path theory reveals the details of stochastic biochemical transitions out of oscillatory cellular states
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2018) - Edgar Herrera-Delgado, Ruben Perez-Carrasco, James Briscoe, Peter Sollich
Memory effects in gene regulatory networks reveal key properties of dynamical spatial patterning
Plos Comp. Biol. (2018) - , , , , , ,
- R. Perez-Carrasco, P. Guerrero, J. Briscoe, K. Page
Intrinsic noise profoundly alters the dynamics and steady state of morphogen-controlled bistable genetic switches
PLoS Comp. Biol. (2016) - M. Cohen, K.M. Page, R. Perez-Carrasco, C.P. Barnes, J. Briscoe
Mathematical models help explain experimental data
Development (2016) - M. Bodnar, P. Guerrero, R. Perez-Carrasco, M. J. Piotrowska
Deterministic and Stochastic Study for a Microscopic Angiogenesis Model: Applications to the Lewis Lung Carcinoma
PLoS ONE (2016) - M. Woods, M. Leon, R. Perez-Carrasco, C. P. Barnes
A statistical approach reveals designs for the most robust stochastic gene oscillators
ACS Synthetic Biology (2016) - M. Cohen, K. M. Page, R. Perez-Carrasco, C. P. Barnes, J. Briscoe
A theoretical framework for the regulation of Shh morphogen-controlled gene expression
Development (2014) - R. Perez-Carrasco, J.M. Sancho
Theoretical study of a molecular turbine
Phys. Rev. E (2013)
- R. Perez-Carrasco, A. Fiasconaro, F. Falo, J. M. Sancho
Modelling the mechanochemistry of the ϕ29 DNA translocation motor
Phys. Rev. E (2012)
- R. Perez-Carrasco, J.M. Sancho
Physics of molecular machines operated by a particle flux
Europhysics Letters (2012)
- J.M. Sancho, R. Perez-Carrasco
Power and Efficiency of F1-ATPase Molecular Motor
Fluctuation and Noise Letters (2012)
- R. Perez-Carrasco, J.M. Sancho
Molecular motors in conservative and dissipative regimes
Phys. Rev. E (2011)
- R. Perez-Carrasco, J.M. Sancho
Fokker-Planck approach to molecular motors
Europhysics Letters (2010)
- R. Perez-Carrasco, J.M. Sancho
Theoretical Analysis of F1-ATPase Experimental Data
Biophysical Journal (2010)
- R. Perez-Carrasco, J.M. Sancho.
Stochastic algorithms for discontinuous multiplicative white noise
Phys. Rev. E (2010)